Non-Smoking Policy for SSBC (including āEā Cigarettes)
Second hand smoke is both a public and workplace health hazard.
This No-Smoking Policy seeks to guarantee the right of all to breathe air free of tobacco smoke and to comply with smoke-free legislation within the Bowls Club buildings and grounds.
Adequate signage will be displayed to inform club members, visiting players, general visitors, contractors or employees, of the smoke-free status of Bowls Club buildings and grounds.
The Policy
Smoking/Vaping is not permitted in any part of the Bowls Club building, grounds or entrance at any time, by any person regardless of their status or business within the Bowls Club buildings.
Smoking/Vaping will not be tolerated at, or in near vicinity of entrances and exits.
Smoking/Vaping will not be tolerated on the bowling green or adjacent surrounds exterior to the Bowling Club.
Smoking/Vaping is allowed in the designated smoking shelter only.
Health & Safety Representative
This policy has been devised in full consideration of all club members. It enjoys the support of the Committee and Health and Safety representative.
Informing Members of the Policy
A copy of the Policy will be displayed in the clubhouse.
Further copies of the policy are available on request from the Bowls Club Secretary.
The Policy will be highlighted on the application form to join the club either as a full or social member and on membership renewal.
All visitors, contractors, deliverers and staff are expected to abide by the terms of this policy.
Adequate signage will be displayed for informing them of its existence.
Visiting Bowling Club members will be given a verbal reminder at the start of a game. Visiting player breaches of this policy will be informed of The Policy and asked to use the designated Smoking Shelter.
Help for those who smoke
Smoking club members who wish to quit may be provided with support to enable them to do so:
Via Stop Smoking Services in England on 0300 123 1044
Compliance Requirements of the Policy
Any club member who breaches this policy will be reported to the Committee for consideration and action at their discretion.
Implementation and maintenance
All Stony Stratford Bowls Club Committee members are responsible for ensuring the implementation and maintenance of this policy. However all club members have a personal responsibility in ensuring their personal compliance and in ensuring that all those who enter the premises are made aware of and observe the policy.
Comments, Complaints, Monitoring and Review
Comments or complaints related to this policy should be addressed to the Bowls Club Secretary.
Changes to the Policy
21 days notice will be given of proposed changed to this policy by posting of proposed changes on the clubhouse noticeboard.
September 2018